SISS11 Program


June 11, 2009 (Thu.)

10:00- Opening remarks
[[ TOF-SIMS session – New methods ]]

1. ” Development of Mass Microscopy ” (20 min.)
T.Hayasaka and M.Setou, Hamamatsu Univ. School of Medicine

2. ” A Stigmatic Mass Microscope using Multi-turn Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometer ” (20 min.)
H.Hazama, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Univ.

3. ” Development of Electrospray Droplet Impact/SIMS ” (20 min.)
D.Asakawa and K.Hiraoka, Clean Energy Research Center, Univ. of Yamanashi

4. ” TOF-SIMS and Depth Profile Analysis of Organic Films with Ar Cluster Ion Beams ” (20 min.)
S.Ninomiya, Quantum Science and Engineering Center, Kyoto Univ.

5* ” TOF-SIMS for Cardiovascular Researches ” (40 min.)
D.W.Moon, Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS)
(12:05-13:05 Lunch)
[[ TOF-SIMS session – Applications ]]

6. ” Organic Depth Profiling by Cluster Ion Sputter ” (20 min.)
Y.Abe, Mitsubishi Chemical Gr. Science and Technology Research Center, Inc.

7. ” Depth Profiling of Organic Thin Film by using TOF-SIMS with the Gradient Shaving Preparation ” (20 min.)
N.Man, Toray Research Center Inc.

8. ” A Dedicated Field Emission Ion Source for G-SIMS Applications ” (20 min.)
D.Rading, F.Kollmer, R.Moellers, E.Niehuis, ION-TOF GmbH

9. ” Investigation of Protein-immobilized Surface with TOF-SIMS and G-SIMS ” (20 min.)
S.Aoyagi, Faculty of Life and Environmental Science, Shimane Univ.

10. ” Applications of an Automated Benchtop ToF-SIMS Instrument for Static, Imaging and Dynamic SIMS Analysis ” (20 min.)
M. Yanagi, J.Eccles, Millbrook Instruments Limited
(14:45-15:00 coffee break)
[[ TOF-SIMS – Maker session ]]

1. ” TOF-SIMS Applications and New Developments at ULVAC-PHI ” (40 min.)
S.Iida, N.Sanada, G.L.Fisher, S.R.Bryan, and M.Suzuki, ULVAC-PHI Inc.

2. ” TOF-SIMS and High-Sensitivity LEIS: Complementary Techniques for Sensitive Surface Analysis ” (40 min.)
M.Terhorst, ION-TOF GmbH


[[ Poster session ]]
(at Hall on the 12th floor, University Building #10)

1. “Matrix-free detection of protein molecules by gas cluster SIMS”
S. Oshima, University of Hyogo

2. “Surface sensitive analysis of organic films using size-selected Ar gas cluster SIMS”
M. Tanaka, University of Hyogo

3. “Fragmentation Analysis of PS polymer in GCIB SIMS by QMD method using the polymer model”
K. Endo, Tokyo University of Science

4. “Theoretical mass spectrometry of PE, PP, PS, and PET polymers by MO and QMD methods using the polymer models”
K. Endo, Tokyo University of Science

5. “Analysis of Self-healing Function of Chromate Coatings on Zinc Plate by TOF-SIMS”
K. Tokuda and K. Miyashita, Gunma Industrial Technology Cent.

6. “Influences of water on photoresist surface in the immersion lithography technology”
M.Sado, Sumika Chemical Analysis Service, LTD.

7. “Development of Non-Resonant Multi Photoionization SNMS with Nd:YAG Microchip Laser”
N. Kubota, Nippon Steel Co.

8. “Optimization of Charge-Compensation in TOF-SIMS Analysis using Low-Energy Pulsed Electron Beam”
K.Ohishi, Kougakuin University

9. “Image Analysis of Suspended Particulate Matters for Individual Particle Analysis using TOF-SIMS”
H. Wada, Kougakuin University

10. “SIMS depth profile analysis of sodiumin silicon oxide”
Y.Yamamoto, Asahi Glass Co., LTD.

11. “Analysis of oxygen self-diffusion in oxide ceramics”
I. Sakaguchi, National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)

12. “Atom Probe Evaluation of Platinum Distribution at NiPtSi/Si-substrate Interface”
T.Sasaki, Toshiba Nanoanalysis Co.


17:25- Social meeting
(at Hall on the 12th floor, University Building #10)
June 12, 2009 (Fri.)

[[ Dynamic SIMS session ]]

1. ” Improvement of SIMS Depth Resolution for Multiple W/Si Layer Analysis ” (20 min.)
M.Takahashi, Y.Hori and M.Tomita, Toshiba Nanoanalysis Corp., and Toshiba Corp.

2. ” Developemnt of FIB-EB-TOF-SIMS for The Environmental Particle Analysis ” (20 min.)
S.Hayashi, N.Kubota, N.Tsuji, K.Mizuno, T.Sakamoto, S.Kashiwakura, and T.Nagasaka. Nippon Steel Corp., Nippon Steel Technoresearch, Kogakuin Univ., and Tohoku Univ.

3. ” Development of Isotope Microscope and The Application to Cosmochemistry ” (20 min.)
H.Yurimoto, Department of Natural History Sciences, Hokkaido Univ.

(11:00-11:20 coffee break)

4* ” Ultra-shallow SIMS Depth Profiling ” (40 min.)
A.T.S.Wee, Department of Physics, National Univ. of Singapore
[[ Dynamic-SIMS – Maker session ]]

1. ” Recent Instrumental Developments and Applications on CAMECA Dynamic SIMS ” (40 min.)
S.Chou, AMETEK Inc. (Cameca Instruments)
(12:40-13:40 Lunch)
[[ Atom Probe session ]]

1. “Development of Laser-Assisted Wide Angle Three-Dimensional Atom Probe for Analysis of Real Electronic Devices ” (30 min.)
N.Mayama, Institute of Industrial Science, Univ. of Tokyo

2. “Investigation of Impurity Distribution in NiSi/Si Schottky Junction Using Laser-assisted Three-dimensional Atom Probe ” (30 min.)
T.Kinnno, Toshiba Corp. R&D Cent.

3. ” 3D Atom Probe Characterization of Nano-scale Microstructures in Metallic Materials ” (30 min.)
S.Hirosawa, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Yokohama National Univ.
(15:10-15:30 coffee break)
[[ Atom Probe – Maker session ]]

1. ” 3D Tomographic Atom Probe for Nano-scale Materials Analysis ” (40 min.)
S.Chou, AMETEK Inc. (Cameca Instruments)

2. ” Multi-Dimensional Atom Probe Tomography Analysis of Semiconductor Materials ” (40 min.)
P.H.Clifton, Imago Scientific Instruments Corp.
16:50- Closing remarks