SISS-17 will be held on 25th (Thu) and 26th (Fri) June 2015 at Seikei University, Tokyo Japan.
SISS-17 will cover SIMS and related techniques based on ion-solid interactions: fundamentals, instrumentation, and application in various fields, such as semiconductors, industrial materials, biological, medical, and environmental sciences.
Meeting Room on the 4th floor, University Building #14, Seikei University, Tokyo
Invited Speakers:
Hidde H. Brongersma (Eindhoven Univ. Technology / Imperial College (London) / ION-TOF GmbH)
Birgit Hagenhoff (Tascon GmbH)
Laurent Houssiau (Univ. de Namur)
Fumio Inagaki (JAMSTEC, Japan Agency for Marin-Earth Science and Technology)
Sung-Kyu Kim (National Institute for Nanomaterials Technology (NINT), POSTECH)
Kenji Kimura (Kyoto Univ.)
Mary L. Kraft (Univ. of Illinois)
Nicholas Lockyer (Univ. of Manchester)
Charles W. Magee (Evans Analytical Group)
Daisuke Miura (Kyushu Univ.)
Kenji Nishida (CRIEPI, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry)
Koichi Nishikawa (Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc.)
Peter Sjövall (SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden)
Andreas Wucher (University of Duisburg-Essen)
Li Yang (Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University)
Call for papers:
For presentation proposal, please fill out the following form and then click ‘Submit’.
Brief abstract less than 100 words is not needed if the abstract is ready to be sent simultaneously.
Deadlines for presentation proposal:
Oral presentation: April 17, 2015
Poster presentation: May 11, 2015
Abstract submission:
All invited and contributed presenters are requested to write abstracts. Please send a MS-Word or PDF file of your abstract (A4 page size, within 2 pages (1 page or 2 pages) by e-mail to the following address.
Abstract submission:
All invited and contributed presenters are requested to write abstracts. Please send a MS-Word or PDF file of your abstract (A4 page size, within 2 pages (1 page or 2 pages) by e-mail to the following address.
Abstract template (Word file):
Please click “?attachment_id=362″ in the next page.
Deadline for abstract submission: May 11, 2015
Maximum Poster Size: 850mm x 1200mm (Poster board size: 900 mm × 1800 mm)
Registration fees:
Regular 5,000 yen
Student 2,000 yen
Organizing Committee:
Hisayoshi Yurimoto (Hokkaido University) |
Executive Committee: Akio Takano (NTT-AT) |
Masashi Nojima (Tokyo University of Science) |
Satoka Aoyagi (Seikei University) |
Songsu Cho (Ametek) |
Makishi Ishikawa (Ametek) |
Syuji Ishikawa (Hitachi High-Tech Solutions) |
Akiya Karen (National Institute for Materials Science) |
Masahiro Kudo (Seikei University) |
Toyomitsu Miyasaka (Asahi Kasei) |
Jiro Matsuo (Kyoto University) |
Atsushi Murase (Toyota Central R&D Labs.) |
Suguru Nishinomiya (Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal) |
Retsu Oiwa (Oxford Instruments) |
Shinya Otomo (Furukawa Electric) |
Reiko Saito (Toshiba) |
Yasuo Shimizu (Tohoku University) |
Tatsuya Shiramizu (Mitsubishi Electric) |
Takahiko Suzuki (ULVAC-PHI) |