SIMS XVI Index Keywords
SIMS XVI Index Keywords
Applied Surface Science 255(4), 2008
16th International Conference on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry(SIMS XVI)
Oct 29 – Nov 2, 2007
Kanazawa, Japan
[A][B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I]
[K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [X] [Y] [Z] [Others]
Accelerator mass spectrometry: 1479
Accelerator-based SIMS: 1461
Activation energy: 1341
Adipose tissue: 1177
Aerosol: 1505
Aerosol-OT: 1170
AES: 1408
AFM: 1006, 1148, 1391, 1419
Ag cationized ion: 1015
Ag substrate: 1015
Air polllution: 1165
Al: 1123
Alloys: 1327
Al-Mg isochron: 1476
Altered layer: 1381
Aluminum: 901
Angle of incidence: 951, 1391
Angular distribution: 870
Anionic species: 1415
Antibiotics: 922
Anticorrosion: 1534
APT: 1547
Aqueous-ion-enhancement: 1162
Archaeology: 1033
Archean: 1465
Area postrema: 1135
Arginene: 905
Arsenic: 1451
Artifact: 1534
AR-XPS: 1408
Atom probe: 1547
Atomic force microscopy: 1357
Atomic projectile: 824
Atomospheric environment: 1538
Atomprobe: 805
Au+: 912
Au13: 893, 897
Auger processes: 908
Autism spectrum disorder: 1126
Bacteria: 922, 1599
Behcet brain tissue: 1584
Behcet disease: 1123
Bi3+ cluster ion source (Bi3, Bi3+): 926, 966, 1092
Biochip: 1037
Biodegradable polymer: 1170
Bioimaging: 1298
Bioindicators: 1165
Biological imaging: 1174
Biomarkers: 1465
Biomineralization: 1509
Biomolecule: 1235, 1591
Biosensor: 1058
BNCT : 1273
Bone formation: 1092
Boron: 1377, 1541
Brain: 1555
Brain tissue: 1123
Brittleness: 1569
Bronze: 1534
Bubble jet printing: 1162
Buckminsterfullerene: 922, 962
C2 depletion: 938
C60 819, 831, 886, 844, 893, 897, 934, 951, 966, 1158, 1206, 1285, 1298
C60 cluster ion bombardment: 1055
C60+: 837, 890, 912, 926, 1068, 1084, 1572, 1610
Ca: Al-rich inclusions (CAls): 1446
Cadiovascular function: 1135
Caesium cluster detection: 1412
CAI: 1476
Calcarenite: 1527
Calcium stores: 1273
CAMECA: 1472
Cancer: 1084, 1119
Cap layer: 1437
Carbon: 837
Carbon deposition: 934
Carbon level: 1569
Carbon-coating: 1143
Cationic starch: 1022
Cationisation: 973, 866
Cationization methods: 1486
Caveolae: 1185
Cell/ Cells: 926, 954
Cell imaging: 922
Cell lines: 1084
Cellular membranes: 1190
Ceruim: 1531
Cesium: 1316, 1331, 1307
Cesium implantation: 1151
Cesium ion bombardment: 870
Characterization: 1408
Charge neutralization: 1621
Charge-up: 1351
Chemical analysis: 954
Chemical derivatization: 987, 997
Chemical imaging: 1584
CHF3 and CF4 plasmas etching: 1334
Chronic kidney disease: 1177
Chum salmon: 1100
Cleaning: 1241
Cluster/Clusters: 844, 890, 893, 916, 1158, 1217, 1223, 1338
Cluster beam/ Cluster beams: 805, 816
Cluster bombardment: 941
Cluster ion/ Cluster ions: 880, 883, 934, 1148, 1235, 1588
Cluster ion beam: 944
Cluster ion imaging: 1126
Cluster Projectiles: 841
Cluster SIMS: 1298, 1572, 1610
Cluster size: 948
CoF: 1443
Colon: 1119, 1241
Complementary methods: 1364
Computer simulation: 1223
Contamination: 1395
Cooling rate: 1446
Copper interconnects: 1564
Correlation coefficient mapping (CCM): 1603
Corrosion: 1531, 1541
Cosmetic ingredient: 1116
Cross-check: 1400
Cross-section: 1617
Cryogenic condition: 883
Cryosectioning: 1058
Cryptomeria japonica: 1143
Cs: 966
Cs sputtering: 970
Cupper plates: 1544
Cytochrome b5: 1071
Damage cross-section: 1440
Dead time: 1614
Decomposition: 1044
Delta layers: 1348
Delta-doped reference material: 1311
Delta-doped silicon sample: 1357
Denaturation: 1555
Dendrimer: 1110
Depth calibration: 1381
Depth profile: 1373, 1430, 1516
Depth profiling/ Depth-profiling: 831, 886, 916, 926, 954, 1285, 1229, 1307, 1323, 1331, 1334, 1338, 1351, 1404, 1509, 1547
Depth resolution: 805, 1373
Depth scale calibration: 959, 984
Depth-scale calibration: 1311
Detection limit: 1415
Detector: 1614
Deuterium: 1387
Diesel exhaust particle: 1139, 1538
Diffusion: 1107, 1395
Digestion: 1555
Digestive enzyme: 1162
Direct-imaging: 1458
Discrimination: 1084
Distribution: 1022
Disulfide: 1037
Dosimetry: 1404
Double bond: 987
Double ionization: 908
DRF: 1341
Drug delivery: 1170
Dyes: 1033
Dynamic SIMS: 962
Dynamic TRIM: 1331
Early life: 1465
EBIE: 1360
Edge-on and flat-on orientation: 1001
EDI: 1217
EDX: 1584
EIS: 1531
Electronic excitation: 1591
Electron probe analysis of Gd in tissues: 1181
Electrospray: 1217
Ellipsometry: 1110
Energy distribution: 877
Engine oil: 1494
Environment: 1505, 1509
Environmental pollution: 1544
EPMA: 1451
Excavation: 1534
Extraction delay: 1560
Extraterrestrial material: 1446
Fe-Al-Mn-C alloys: 1569
Femto-second laser: 1595
Ferrite: 1569
Ferruginol: 1143
FE-SEM: 1538
FIB: 828, 1174, 1354, 1400, 1519, 1621
FIB-SIMS: 1351
Fluorocarbon: 1334
Focused ion beam: 1075
Focussed ion beam (FIB): 1364
Forensic science: 1523
Formation: 981
Fragmentation: 905, 938
Fragmentation pathway: 852
Fragment-free: 1588
Fragment-free ionization: 1235
Freeze-etching: 1298
Freeze-fracture: 1273, 1298
Friction coefficient: 1494
Friction model: 893
Fullerene/ Fullerenes: 938, 1229
Fundamentals: 1519
Ga ion beam: 1595
Gallium: 828, 1320
Gas cluster ion beam: 948
Gate area ratio: 1373
Gd-containing MRI contrast agents: 1181
Genesis: 1455
Genesis discovery mission: 1479
Glycerol: 1177
Gold: 1451, 1229
Gold cluster ion: 938, 1015
Gold deposition: 824
Gold nanoparticle: 1064
Gold-coating: 1143
Green aluminum: 1531
Growth: 977
G-SIMS: 852
Halogens: 1423
Han dynasty: 1534
Hard disk lubricant: 1490
Heartwood: 1088, 1143
Hepatocyte: 1131
HfO2: 1551
HfSiON: 1384
HHBT: 1443
High brightness: 1606
High-k: 1551
Hippocampus: 1126
Hishikari deposit: 1451
Histogram analysis: 992
Homogeneity: 981
HRBS: 1551
HR-RBS: 1320
Human hair: 1154
Hydrogen: 1387
Hymenochirus boettgeri: 1174
Identification and Interpretation: 852
Image: 981
Image analysis: 1131
Imaging: 1058, 1064, 1119, 1177, 1185, 1241, 1468, 1560
Imaging 13C: 1273
Imaging mass spectometry: 1257
Imaging of Gd isotopes with SIMS: 1181
Image processing: 1603
Imaging ToF-SIMS: 1079
Immersion lithography: 1018
Immobilization: 1096, 1104
Impurity distribution: 1564
IMS 7f-GEO: 1472
Incident angle: 844, 1068, 1357
In-depth analysis: 987
Indium: 1580
Information depth: 1440
Inorganic elements: 1088
Inorganic-organic multiple nm thin films: 1055
Instrumental mass fractionation: 1476
Intensity enhancement: 938
Intensity enhancement: 1015
Interaction: 1190
Interfaces: 1092
Interlayer: 1551
Inverse squared distance weighting: 1482
Ion beam: 1113
Ion detector: 1458
Ion formation: 1194, 1229
Ion formation efficiency: 1440
Ion image: 1001
Ion impact: 905
Ion implant: 860
Ion implantation: 1364
Ion microprobe: 1151, 1472
Ion oxide: 1100
Ion sputtering: 877, 1391
Ion yield: 1377
Ionic image: 1569
Ionic migration: 1443
Ionisation yield: 863
Ionizaion: 1201
Ionizaion citical distance: 877
Ionization mechanism: 1194
Ionization probability: 1194
Ir4(CO)12: 916, 1338
Irganox 3114: 1044
Isotope/Isotopes: 1345, 1377, 1430
Isotope microscope: 1468
Isotope ratio: 1468, 1512
Isotopic measurement: 1446
Isotopic ratio: 1472
Kinetic energy distribution: 1360
Krypton: 1323
Lamellar orientation: 1001
Langmuir-Blodgett films: 816
Laser postionization: 831
Laser-SNMS: 1058, 1580
Lateral resolution: 1617
LC-MS: 1018
Leucine: 1148
Lignin: 1088, 1040
Lignin monomer: 1048
Lipid/ Lipids: 1177, 1190
Liquid gallium ion sources: 1151
lodine: 1185
Long-term: 1427
Low energy sputtering: 966
Low-energy ion irradiation: 883
Low-energy oxygen ion beam: 1357
Low-k: 1408
Low-k dielectrics: 1334
Lubricant additives: 1494
Lubricant characterization: 1486
Lyophilization: 929
Lysozyme: 1096, 1104
Macropage: 929
MAF: 1599
Magnesium: 1455, 1476
Magnetic materials: 1100
Magnetic recording disks: 1482
Magnetoreceptor: 1100
Magnetron sputtering: 1311
MALDI: 1257
Manganese oxides: 1509
Mass spectrometry: 1235, 1588, 1591
Matrix effect/ Matrix effects: 834, 1377, 1516
MBE: 1341
MCR: 1576
MCs2+: 1437
MCs clusters: 973
MD simulation/ Mdsimulation: 856, 944, 1048
MEDF: 897
Mesa structure: 1373
Metal cluster complex: 916
Metal salts: 1486
MetA-SIMS: 941
Meteorite: 1458, 1468
Methane molecules: 883
Methylene blue: 1011
MeV energy: 1591
Micro-area analysis: 1373
Microscopy: 1519
Migration: 860, 1100
MIM: 1387
Mineralization: 1092
Minor isotope: 1201
Mixed SAM: 1037
Mixing: 1338
MoDTC: 1494
Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE): 1311
Molecular depth profiling: 816, 1068
Molecular dynamics: 828, 841, 844, 893, 897, 1229
Molecular dynamics simulation: 1040
Molecular emission: 1229
Molecular ion: 954
Molecular structure: 852
Moleculer depth profiling: 959, 984
Moleculer dynamics simulations: 837
Monoatomic: 890
Monoatomic primary beam: 874
Monoclonal antibody: 1096
Mordants: 1033
MRI: 1348, 1430
MRI model: 1338
MS: 1048
MS/MS analysis: 1555
Multi-collector: 1476
Multilayer films: 977, 981
Multilayers: 816
Multi-turn TOF: 1257
Multivariate analysis: 997, 1084, 1599, 1576
Multivariate statistical analysis: 1482
Mummies: 1154
Nanocrystalline TiO2: 1011
Nanoparticle/nanoparticles: 977, 981, 1139, 1538
NanoSIMS: 1006, 1116, 1154, 1465, 1541
NanoSIMS 50: 1569
NanoSIMS 50L: 1446
Nanotechnology: 954
Near-surface energy deposition: 941
Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis: 1181
Neuron: 1126
Neurons in hippocampus: 1079
Neutralization: 1351
NiTi: 1107
Nitorogen oxides: 1544
Nitrogen profile: 1437
Noise reduction: 992
Non-linear effect: 948
Nornalisation: 1599
O18: 1201
O2: 966
Oblique incidence: 870
Organic compounds: 1148
Organic depth profile/Organic depth-profile: 970, 973
Organic depth profiling: 962, 966
Organic overlayers: 841
Organic samples: 866
Organics: 954
Orientation: 1096, 1104
Orthogonal: 1572, 1610
Oxidation: 1327
Oxidative stress: 1131, 1139
Oxide: 901, 1327, 1541
Oxygen: 1201, 1307, 1320
Oxygen effect: 834, 1194
Oxygen flooding: 1384, 1433
Oxygen isotope/Oxygen isotopes: 1458, 1461
Oxygen isotope image: 1446
Oxygen sputtering: 970
Paper: 1022
Particle/ Particles: 1512, 1617, 1621
PCA: 1025, 1044, 11101119, 1241, 1576, 1599
PE/PP blended-polymer: 1576
Peak ratio: 1544
Peptide: 1555
PET: 970
Phagocytosis: 929
Phase shift image: 1079
Photoacid generator: 1018
Photocatalysis: 1011
Photo-ionization: 1595
Photoresist: 1018
Plasma ion source: 1606
PLD: 1419
Plll: 1107
Poly(methyl methacrylate)/PMMA: 819, 970
Poly (lactic-co-glycolic) acid: 1170
Poly (l-lactic acid): 1170
Polyatomic: 890
Polyatomic ion sources: 1440
Polyatomic ions: 941
Polyatomic primary beam: 874
Polyatomic projectile: 824
Polyethylene Glycol: 1015
Polyethyleneterephthalate: 951
Polymer blends: 1006
Polymer molecular weight: 912
Polymer surface: 1001
Polymer/Polymers: 819, 941, 954, 973, 1229
Polystyrene: 912, 951
Polystyrene/polybutadiene blend: 997
Post-etched photoresist: 1408
Post-ionization: 1595
Presolar grain: 1468
Principal component analysis: 1052, 1482
Process control: 1395, 1427
Propionic acid: 1126
Protective: 1527
Protein/Proteins: 1075, 1058, 1190
Protein imaging: 1162
Protein immobilization: 1071
Prototype instrument: 1498
PS and PET: 856
Pseuldo-ceramides: 1116
Pulp: 1022
Pulse counting: 1614
PVD: 1486
Pyrite: 1451
Q-SIMS: 860
QSTAR/QStar: 1572, 1610
Quantification: 1025, 1037, 1110, 1323, 1364, 1377, 1415, 1498, 1501
Quantitative analysis: 1044
Quantitative depth profiling: 1360
Quantitative image analysis: 992
Quantum molecular dynamics: 905
Questioned document: 1523
Red blood cell: 1174
Relative sensitivity factor: 1427
REMPI: 901
Reproducibility: 11025, 1404, 427
Resonance laser ionizaion: 834
Resonance laser postionization: 1516
RF sputtering: 1419
RIMS: 1455
Ripple: 1368, 1391
Roughening onset depth: 1433
Roughening transient width: 1433
Roughness: 1391
Roughness development: 1433
RSF: 1415
RT-PCR: 1139
Salzmann method: 1544
SAM: 1064, 1110
Sample cooling: 1384
Sample rotation: 1433
Sampler: 1505
SAMs: 1071
Sapwood: 1088
Saturation: 1614
Scanning probe microscopy: 1079
Sealing-inks: 1523
Secondary electron: 1621
Secondary ion: 880, 1148, 1591
Secondary ion imaging: 1482
Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS): 1151, 1327, 1427, 1437, 1606
Secondary ion mass spectroscopy: 1113
Secondary ion yield: 1440, 1617
Secondary metabolites: 922
Secondary neutral mass spectrometry: 834, 1516
Sectioned rat brain: 1079
Segregation: 1320, 1341, 1455
Self-assembled monolayer: 1025, 1029
Self-assembling process: 874
SEM: 1512, 1584
SEM-EDS: 1165
Semiconductor/Semiconductors: 805, 1368
Sensitivity: 1113
SF5/ SF5+: 926, 1285
SF6: 1360
Shallow junction: 1345
Shave-off: 1351, 1400
Shave-off depth profiling: 1354
Shock wave: 1217
Si: 880, 1123
Signal enhancement: 1064
Silicate: 1531
Silicon: 828, 837, 886, 1307, 1316, 1320, 1331, 1345, 1360, 1377, 1455
Silicon oxynitride: 1437
Silicon-germanium: 1412
SIMS: 805, 816, 844, 856, 863, 877, 886, 893, 916, 934, 1040, 1068, 1107, 1158, 1174, 1185, 1201, 1206, 1217, 1223, 1273, 1307, 1316, 1320, 1323, 1341, 1345, 1354, 1368, 1377, 1381, 1387, 1391, 1395, 1400, 1412, 1419, 1423, 1430, 1451, 1455, 1468, 1472, 1476, 1479, 1498, 1501, 1512, 1519, 1547, 1614
SIMS Imaging/ SIMS imaging: 847, 954, 1572
Simulated spectra: 852
Simulation method: 1354
Single bacterial cells: 847
Single cell: 1158
SiO2 matrix: 860
SiOF: 1334
SIP: 847
Skin: 1241
Sleep deprivation: 1131, 1135
SMPS: 1538
SNMS: 1595
Sodium: 860, 1131, 1135
Soft material/Soft materials: 1029, 1113
Solar abundances: 1461
Solar cells: 1423
Solar System: 1458
Solar wind: 1479
Spin-orbit states: 901
SPR: 1071
Sputter: 901
Sputtering: 841, 870, 908, 916, 948, 1201, 1316, 1580
Sputtering models: 944
Sputtering rate: 1311, 1348, 1357
Sputtering yields: 1148
Stable isotopes: 1472
Static SIMS: 852, 1029, 1482, 1560
Static Time-of-Flight SIMS: 1415
Static ToF-SIMS: 824, 1440
Stearic acid: 1044
Steels: 1541
STEM: 1139
Stigmatic mode: 1257
Stigmatic-SIMS: 1458
Storing Matter technique: 1498, 1501
Stratum corneum: 1116
Streptavidin: 1110
Strong Matter technique: 866
Sub-cellular: 1126
Subcellular ion images: 1079
Substrate: 1486
Substrate effect: 890
Superlattices: 1345, 1430
Surcace transients: 805
Surface analysis: 1052, 1165
Surface characterization: 954
Surface chemical reaciton: 883
Surface patterning: 1006
Surface roughness: 1311, 1338, 1357
Surface spacing: 1037
Surface topography: 1603
Surface transient effect: 1437
Suspended particulate matter: 1505
Taklamakan: 1154
Tantalum: 1387
Tantalum oxide: 1387
Teaching: 1519
Textiles: 1033
The ray parenchyma cells: 1088
Thermal decomposition: 856, 1040, 1048
Thermal spike: 934
Thermo-evaporation and decomposition: 1490
Thickness dependence: 883
Three-dimensional imaging: 1249
Three-dimensional structure: 1096, 1104
Three-dimensional structure of protein: 1071
Thyroid hormone: 1185
Thyroid tumour cells: 1285
Tissue/ Tissues: 926, 1058, 1119, 1241
Tissue fixation: 1126
Tissue localization of Gd with SIMS: 1181
Titanium: 1092
TOF: 880, 908, 1235, 1588
TOF-SIMS/ ToF-SIMS: 819, 837, 866, 905, 912, 929, 938, 941, 948, 951, 954, 962, 966, 977, 981, 987, 997, 1001, 1006, 1011, 1015, 1018, 1022, 1025, 1029, 1033, 1037, 1044, 1052, 1055, 1058, 1064, 1071, 1075, 1088, 1092, 1096, 1104, 1110, 1119, 1123, 1126, 1131, 1135, 1139, 1143, 1154, 1165, 1170, 1177, 1229, 1241, 1249, 1285, 1404, 1408, 1412, 1443, 1482, 1486, 1490, 1494, 1505, 1523, 1527, 1531, 1534, 1538, 1544, 1572, 1576, 1580, 1584, 1595, 1610, 1617, 1621
ToF-SIMS imaging/TOF-SIMS imaging: 992, 1190, 1564, 1603
Topography: 934, 992, 1560
Trace element: 1479
Trace heavy elements: 1123
Transient region: 1348
Trehalose: 929
Two-dimensional imaging: 1249
UHV: 880
Ultra low-energy/Ultra low energy: 1307, 1316
Ultra-shallow depth profiling: 1433
Uranium: 1512
Uranium dioxide: 1323
Uranium oxide: 863
Vessel: 1022
Xenobiotic fluorophors: 1249
XPS: 951, 1018, 1206, 1443
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy: 1327
Zero-energy SIMS: 1360
Zeta potential: 977
Zirconium: 1531
ZnDTP: 1494
ZnO: 1419
13C-labeled compounds: 847
15N labeled molecules: 1273
3D (3-D) imaging: 816, , 831, 959, 984, 1273
3D-analysis: 1174
4-Chlorophenol: 1011
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