SIMS Online Meeting 2022

The 14th SIMS Meeting (Online meeting, Seikei University)
“The application of machine learning and deep learning to SIMS and MS imaging data”
Date: 23 August 2022

The 14th SIMS Online Meeting will be held on 23 August 2022.

14:00–15:30 Machine learning tutorial in Japanese

15:50 – 17:30 Special talks by invited speakers

15:50 – 16:30 Paul Pigram (La Trobe University, Australia)
“Complexity to clarity: detecting, identifying and analysing complex materials with machine learning”

16:30–17:00 Alex Dexter (NPL, UK) 
“Novel machine and deep learning methods for analysis of mass spectrometry imaging in cancer research”

17:00–17:30 David Scurr (Univ of Nottingham)
“Deconvolution of 3D OrbiSIMS Datasets via Chemical Filtering using Molecular Formula Prediction“